
Air Freight

Air Freight

To meet your urgent shipment or planned project cargo needs, Logisticstransporters provides professional, comprehensive air charter services through optimal aircraft options and routings on a global scale.

Our air freight experts are committed to offering superior, cost-effective solutions to meet your specific requirements. We procure capacity on dedicated airlines and select prime aircraft options and routings for your shipment through our extensive network coverage in all major international airports.

Regardless of whether your cargo can be transported via commercial airlines, or it requires specialised air transport (charter), we, as experts, are ready to offer you individual solutions from any part of the world  in the opposite direction.

  • Transportation of exhibition cargoes.
  • Transportation of art objects.
  • Transportation of medical equipment and technology.
  • Transportation of fashion and lifestyle goods.
  • Air charters.

Almost 18 years of experience in the market, direct contracts with airlines and offices in Europe and Asia allow us the opportunity to present more optimal solutions for your transport needs.


How we can help you?

For any question concerning your shipment

Contact us
Cargo Insurance
Business Analytic
Box Checking

Air Freight

To meet your urgent shipment or planned project cargo needs, Logisticstransporters provides professional, comprehensive air charter services through optimal aircraft options and routings on a global scale.

Our air freight experts are committed to offering superior, cost-effective solutions to meet your specific requirements. We procure capacity on dedicated airlines and select prime aircraft options and routings for your shipment through our extensive network coverage in all major international airports.

Regardless of whether your cargo can be transported via commercial airlines, or it requires specialised air transport (charter), we, as experts, are ready to offer you individual solutions from any part of the world  in the opposite direction.

  • Transportation of exhibition cargoes.
  • Transportation of art objects.
  • Transportation of medical equipment and technology.
  • Transportation of fashion and lifestyle goods.
  • Air charters.

Almost 18 years of experience in the market, direct contracts with airlines and offices in Europe and Asia allow us the opportunity to present more optimal solutions for your transport needs.

Cargo Insurance
Business Analytic
Box Checking

How we can help you?

For any question concerning your shipment

Contact us